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Clement Tie Sing Wei


From Sibu, Sarawak

November 1st, 2002

Studying Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Architecture

A Bit About Me

Hi, I'm Clement Tie. I studied Foundation in Natural and Built Environment in Taylor's College in 2021. Currently studying Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Architecture at Taylor's University, The reason that I chose architecture is because I took Technical Communication Graphics subject when I was F4 and I started loving it. Except loving architecture, I love travelling and playing different musical instrument too such as western instrument and oriental instrument as it can release my stress when I felt freaking depression and stress in assignments. In addition, my average sleeping time is 5 hours just for rushing doing assignment. Although architecture is tough, actually I get a lot of fun in this course hehe.


My Study Journey

June 2021 - July 2021

August 2021 - November 2021

April 2022 - July 2022

August 2022 - December 2022

In this short foundation semester, I learnt the CCTS and English I. It was also conducting in online.

In this long semester, I had Introduction to Spatial Design, Business Enterprise, Constructed Landscape and Elements in Natural and Built Environment. This semester was a freaking stress semester as it had a lot of drawing assignment.

For the last foundation semester, I had Design Basic, English II, Introduction to Drawing and Introduction to the Construction Industry. We were allowed to go back campus studying face to face and that was my first time studied outside my hometown.

Started studying degree in this time and I felt excited.  I made a lot of friends from different countries in this semester and had a lot of memories with them.

© 2022 Clement Tie Sing Wei

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