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Taylor's University
Building Construction and Materials
This module focuses on fostering an understanding of the fundamental principles behind building elements, such as the substructure and superstructure, as well as commonly employed construction materials like concrete, masonry, timber, metal, and glass. This module is to provide students with knowledge about the essential aspects of constructing small to medium-sized buildings and the materials utilized in the process. Detailed information will be provided regarding the manufacturing process, properties, and typical uses of these materials in construction.
Project 1
This project requires each students to select an architect from a list in the assignment brief and choose an building designed by the architect. After choosing a building, we have to identify 5 architecture building materials and two structural building materials of the building. Putting all the required information on a A2 size board. Therefore, student should study the reason and ideas behind the building selection and installation process of materials used in the building.
Project 2
This project is a group project, and each group has to select one timber house or concrete house. Furthermore, we have to draw the detailed drawings out and detailed model of the house.
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
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